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{ Category Archives } Prevo/Webster

Use this for material related to the Prevos: George, Audrey Webster, Mary, Ben or Simrat Khalsa (f.k.a. Alice Prevo)

Memories of Avanti – 2016

Barbara Carlson and I have been indulging in memories of Avanti, Gioja and Ben Webster’s home on Byrdcliffe in Woodstock, N.Y. Our email exchange has been pretty wonderful and I’ve just decided to copy it here for the readers who will also remember. Ping back on the comments section if you wish. As Barbara says […]

Mary Lawrence Webster, Richard Hoe Lawrence, and Eva Lawrence Watson-Schütze

Mary Say Lawrence Webster (1872-1944) Photographer Here are examples of photographs taken by my great grandmother, Mary Say Lawrence Webster.  Her oldest brother, Richard Hoe Lawrence was an avid amateur photographer as well and was an early member of the New York Society of Amateur Photographers, which later became the New York Camera Club.  Another […]


Summer Projects

  I am busy working on historic family photographs this summer.  I am going to use this post as a place to put links to pages as I construct them.  Hope it works!   Lawrence Family Pictures Daguerreotypes Mary Say Lawrence Webster, Photographer Eva Watson-Schütze Photographs of the Stallforth Family

Singer Featheweight Sewing Machine – Mend and Make Do

Sunday September 13, 2009 The other day as I was sewing binding tape to the hem of a pair of my son’s trousers, I looked down at my Singer Featherweight sewing machine and thought that of all the sewing machines I have used in my life, this was my favorite. I think of myself as […]

Documents in Mary’s Archive

It occurs to me that I have a lot of information about the family in my head to go along with all the letters and photographs that I have snagged from the various house cleanings out that I have helped with over the years. I’ve been snagging things for years. And Gumma snagged things before […]