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Copy print of Benjamin Crampton Webster (1821-1893)

The pictures here were given to me by my great aunt, Aileen Webster Payne. Her mother, Mary Say Lawrence Webster, gave them to her. Benjamin Crampton Webster (1821-1893) and his wife, Eliza Campbell Wilbur (1822-1912), had five children, two of whom (Marcus Wilbur and Eliza Campbell) are included in these photos. Eliza Campbell Wilbur is also known as Elizabeth. The other children were Benjamin, Albert and Joseph Wilbur. Albert, born in 1859, is our great grandfather.

Benjamin Crampton Webster, quarter plate daguerreotype

Mrs. Benjamin Crampton Webster, quater plate daguerreotype

Mrs. Benjamin Crampton Webster, Holmes/289 Broadway, quarter plate daguerreotype

Eliza Campbell Webster (born 1852), at age 1 (?), Holmes/289 Broadway, sixth plate daguerreotype

Eliza Campbell Webster, Brady/New York, ambrotype

This is the Webster’s first son, Marcus Wilbur (1850-1854). Sixth plate daguerreotype. Â Marcus was the older brother of Eliza Campbell Webster. This daguerreotype is identical in size and mount to the baby picture of Eliza above. It is also stamped Holmes/289 Broadway. Since Eliza is about one year old above, that would date her image to 1853 and, if this is Marcus Wilbur Webster, he is about three. 

Marcus Wilbur Webster, ninth plate daguerreotype (is this earlier or later than the one above?) Â I think is is a bit later and that this is Marcus and he isn’t well.

Mrs. Benjamin Crampton Webster, ninth plate daguerreotype, in mourning?

Sophia Rogers Wilbur, Sister-in-law to Mrs. Benjamin Crampton Webster, 16th plate daguerreotype

Eldest Son of Wilbur Relative from Minneapolis, stamp illegible, Sixth plate tintype or ambrotype

Emily Amelia Hoe (1843-1909) as a Child (re-mounted daguerreotype). Emily is from the Lawrence side of the family. She is Mary Lawrence Webster’s mother. Most of the paper labels on these images are in Mary Webster’s hand.